Ok, settle in for a quick love story about a hairbrush. Yes, a hairbrush. I have thin tangly hair and it’s a beast to brush after I get out of the shower. I’m usually worried I am going to go bald because I am losing so much hair. But like a grownup, I trudge through and most days I win the battle with my hair. But I want to win the war, not just the battle. A couple years ago I had a breakthrough that gave me the ammunition I needed to win the war. The ammunition came in the form of a wet brush. Wet Brush makes a variety of brushes, but I need to get super specific about the types that are most effective. Read on for more than you ever wanted to know about a hairbrush.
The initial brush I had, and loved, was the Wet Brush Original Detangler. I’m not sure how I first discovered it, but I definitely remember the exact day I discovered it’s smarter and more talented sister the Wet Brush Shine Enhancer. It was June of 2018, and I can remember it like it was just yesterday. I was at Canyon Ranch for my husband’s surprise 40th birthday trip. Instead of amazing memories about my husband’s 40th birthday or the beautiful resort we were at, I instead remember how I first encountered my first Wet Brush Shine Enhancer. Canyon Ranch is a fancy place, perhaps the fanciest we had ever been to. As a result of their fanciness, they have pretty nice amenities like concierge services. After we arrived, I quickly realized I forgot my hairbrush. And my husband, as the kind man he is, was like “no big deal you can just use mine.” I looked at him like he was crazy and was like “you don’t understand, I can’t use your brush, it will painfully rip each strand of my hair out one strand at a time.. I need my wet brush.” So, I called the front desk and explained the dire situation I was in. I like to think at a place like this they get much more bougie requests than me asking for a hairbrush. They proceeded to direct me to their salon and spa where they had a nice variety of hairbrushes available for me to purchase. On the walk to the salon I was telling my husband they likely wouldn’t have the brush I needed, and he still didn’t quite understand why this brush was so important. He’s learned enough over the years to not even question me, and just tag along on my quest to find the right brush. The salon and spa was a no-go, and so I called them back and they politely said “oh in that case, we can send someone to Walgreen’s to buy you anything you need.” I took them up on this kind offer, as we did not have a car. The nice gentleman came to our door an hour later with a Walgreen’s bag and a wet brush. I thanked him profusely and excitedly opened up the bag. I quickly noticed it wasn’t the wet brush I was expecting, and my first response was disappointment. It looked different than my Original Detangler brush; it was a rectangle shape vs an oval. It just didn’t look right, and it wasn’t the brush I needed. Since I now owned this brush, I said “ok, I’m gonna be a grownup about this and I’ll make this work.” As soon as I used the brush, I knew I had upgraded. Turns out Canyon Ranch upped by brush game and introduced me to an even better brush, the Wet Brush Shine Enhancer. This is a great reminder that even when you think something is awesome, better is usually possible. We have a lot of great memories from our week at Canyon Ranch, and this brush definitely makes my list! I’m not sure it made my husband’s list, but if he had long tangly hair it would have for sure.
I later recommended the Shine Enhancer to one of my best friends, let’s call her Mary, after seeing the type of brush she used and knowing we had really similar hair. She was also struggling to brush through her tangly hair. At first Mary didn’t believe me, but then one day she texted me and was like “you just changed my life.” That may not have been the exact text, but she validated it was the best brush ever. So, that’s 2 people who believe this is the best brush ever. I am pretty sure that’s statistically significant. On their website, Wet Brush claims that their brushes allow you to detangle with “over 45% less breakage.” I’ve love to see how they measured this, but I totally believe it. I didn’t know a brush could make me happy, but this brush adds a little bit of joy to my day each day.
Like many things I talk about on Mostly Minimal Life, I believe in quality not quantity. And the Wet Brush Shine Enhancer is a perfect example at quality. It’s perhaps pricer than some hairbrushes, but it’s very much worth the cost, and it’s the only brush you’ll ever need. Though it’s marketed as for brushing wet hair, me and my kids all use them and on wet hair, dry hair, and everything in between. Wet Brush ever makes a lovely travel-size Wet Brush Mini Shine Enhancer.
I included a bunch of links to Amazon on here, because who doesn’t love something arriving at their door the next day? In addition to Amazon, you can also purchase the Wet Brush from a local store like Target, Walgreens, etc. or directly from Wet Brush’s website. On their website they usually have a bunch of fun and cool designs, from a Moroccan theme to mustaches. They also offer free shipping on their website.
Thanks to the Wet Brush Shine Enhancer, I am proud to say I’ve got tangly hair and I don’t care. This feels like a t-shirt design in the making. Stay tuned for that.
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