15 ways to save on medical costs

15 ways to save on medical costs

Medical insurance in the United States is a bit of a mess.  The costs are high, the choices are overwhelming, the bills require a Ph.D. to decipher, and the fine print and exceptions are plentiful. The good news is that if you can afford medical care in the US, it’s...
The calm after the storm

The calm after the storm

Usually, it’s the calm before the storm, but in this case, I’m noticing the calm after the storm.  After a full year of virtual learning due to a global pandemic, my kids have gone back for in-person learning.  This is what I have been waiting so patiently for, for...
A productive trip

A productive trip

This past weekend I visited one of my best and oldest friends, and it was an incredibly productive trip.  I don’t mean productive in the traditional sense.  I mean, it was productive for my head, heart, body, and soul.  She’s one of my oldest friends; we first met in...
Less is Now by the Minimalists

Less is Now by the Minimalists

I’ve been following the Minimalists and Matt D’avella for a long time. I’ve read all of their books, listened to their podcasts, watched their YouTube videos, and even seen them speak live in Atlanta.  So, needless to say, I was very excited when Matt D’Avella and the...
Learning how to relax

Learning how to relax

I recently discovered I don’t know how to relax, so I am now learning how to relax.  I’m 40 years old, and I don’t know how to relax.  I’ve probably known this for a long time deep-down, but it’s become more and more evident lately.  I’ve just moved to a new...
Bad day?  Give it 24 hours.

Bad day? Give it 24 hours.

So much can change in 24 hours.  When you’re having a bad day, remember this.   Give it 24 hours Twenty-four hours ago, I was at home with three kids and my husband.  I was trying to get my kids to focus on their virtual learning and to quit asking for screen...

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