An introduction to Fear FIRE

An introduction to Fear FIRE

What is fear FIRE?   FearFIRE is a type of Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE), first coined here.  FearFIRE is having a large enough amount of money to retire early but being too afraid to pull the trigger and retire.  It has some things in common with the...

15 ways to save on medical costs

15 ways to save on medical costs

Medical insurance in the United States is a bit of a mess.  The costs are high, the choices are overwhelming, the bills require a Ph.D. to decipher, and the fine print and exceptions are plentiful. The good news is that if you can afford medical care in the US, it’s...

My burn the boats moment

My burn the boats moment

About eighteen months ago, I had a “burn the boats” discussion with a VP in HR about my career goals, or lack thereof.  I told her that I didn’t want to advance at the company, that this would be my last corporate job, and that I needed a sabbatical or to move to...

Start less, finish more

Start less, finish more

I am really good at starting things.  I am less good at finishing things.  I am a serial starter and a pretty good finisher.  I have so many ideas, feel very capable of doing most things, and I like to DIY a lot of things – these three things are the perfect storm of...

Bringing Pura Vida home

Bringing Pura Vida home

Pura Vida is Costa Rica’s tagline, motto, or catchphrase.  Whatever it is, it definitely delivers.  The phrase means “pure life” or “simple life,” and it is indeed more than just a phrase; it is their way of life.  We just came back from a six-day vacation in Costa...

The calm after the storm

The calm after the storm

Usually, it’s the calm before the storm, but in this case, I’m noticing the calm after the storm.  After a full year of virtual learning due to a global pandemic, my kids have gone back for in-person learning.  This is what I have been waiting so patiently for, for...

A productive trip

A productive trip

This past weekend I visited one of my best and oldest friends, and it was an incredibly productive trip.  I don’t mean productive in the traditional sense.  I mean, it was productive for my head, heart, body, and soul.  She’s one of my oldest friends; we first met in...

6 reasons why you don’t need a financial planner

6 reasons why you don’t need a financial planner

I have several financial regrets over the last two decades.  Though I have always been relatively frugal and responsible with my money, I didn’t always know what to do with my money and, as a result, could have done many things better.  But the single worst thing I’ve...

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