An introduction to Fear FIRE
What is fear FIRE? FearFIRE is a type of Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE), first coined here. FearFIRE is having a large enough amount of money to retire early but being too afraid to pull the trigger and retire. It has some things in common with the...
15 ways to save on medical costs
Medical insurance in the United States is a bit of a mess. The costs are high, the choices are overwhelming, the bills require a Ph.D. to decipher, and the fine print and exceptions are plentiful. The good news is that if you can afford medical care in the US, it’s...
6 reasons why you don’t need a financial planner
I have several financial regrets over the last two decades. Though I have always been relatively frugal and responsible with my money, I didn’t always know what to do with my money and, as a result, could have done many things better. But the single worst thing I’ve...
Favorite Personal Finance Books
These are my favorite personal finance books. All of these books, in different ways, will inspire you to take control of your personal finances, find freedom through that control, and improve your overall happiness. And all that packed into about 8-10 hours of...
Less is Now by the Minimalists
I’ve been following the Minimalists and Matt D’avella for a long time. I’ve read all of their books, listened to their podcasts, watched their YouTube videos, and even seen them speak live in Atlanta. So, needless to say, I was very excited when Matt D’Avella and the...
Soda Stream vs. Canned Sparkling Water
I’ve been thinking about buying a Soda Stream for years and I think I am finally ready to take the plunge (pun intended!). I explored it last Black Friday when there was one on sale and did some cost calculations and it seemed like it wasn’t really going to save me...
Credit Card benefits I never knew I had
I’ve spent decades not knowing or using the many benefits my credit cards offer. And the main issue was I didn’t even know about half the benefits and/or I wasn’t keeping them top of mind to leverage them at the right time. There are a ton of resources and websites...
What I learned from not running my AC
I’ve not run our air conditioning for the past 4 days and it’s been 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit in Atlanta, GA. And my husband still seems to love me, so those two things combined feel like a big win! First off, I think the United States runs the AC (air conditioning)...
I won’t know until I try
I’m turning 40 this year. I’m not sure if it’s this stage in my life or something that feels symbolic about the idea of 40, but lately I’ve been trying a lot of new things. I’m realizing I just won’t know what I like and what will make me happy until I give...
Paper Towels are Silly
About six years ago I quit using paper towels and paper napkins, and I haven’t bought any since. I can’t remember exactly what motivated the change, but I was making a number of changes at the time. My motivation for replacing them was partially related to wanted to...
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