The calm after the storm
Usually, it’s the calm before the storm, but in this case, I’m noticing the calm after the storm. After a full year of virtual learning due to a global pandemic, my kids have gone back for in-person learning. This is what I have been waiting so patiently for, for...
A productive trip
This past weekend I visited one of my best and oldest friends, and it was an incredibly productive trip. I don’t mean productive in the traditional sense. I mean, it was productive for my head, heart, body, and soul. She’s one of my oldest friends; we first met in...
Less is Now by the Minimalists
I’ve been following the Minimalists and Matt D’avella for a long time. I’ve read all of their books, listened to their podcasts, watched their YouTube videos, and even seen them speak live in Atlanta. So, needless to say, I was very excited when Matt D’Avella and the...
My disk is full
I keep getting a pop-up on my Mac that my disk is full. I have a large hard drive, or I thought I did, so in one way, I am surprised by this message. But in another way, I am not surprised. I thought this was the universe sending me a message. Lately, I feel like...
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