What I learned from not running my AC
I’ve not run our air conditioning for the past 4 days and it’s been 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit in Atlanta, GA. And my husband still seems to love me, so those two things combined feel like a big win! First off, I think the United States runs the AC (air conditioning)...
I won’t know until I try
I’m turning 40 this year. I’m not sure if it’s this stage in my life or something that feels symbolic about the idea of 40, but lately I’ve been trying a lot of new things. I’m realizing I just won’t know what I like and what will make me happy until I give...
Paper Towels are Silly
About six years ago I quit using paper towels and paper napkins, and I haven’t bought any since. I can’t remember exactly what motivated the change, but I was making a number of changes at the time. My motivation for replacing them was partially related to wanted to...
A Minimalist Guide to the Holidays
The holidays can be a time of overwhelm, when it should be a time to reconnect and reflect with your friends and family. Somehow it has turned into massive shopping and tons of high-cost activities. That is basically everything I am trying to avoid in life these...
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