Bad day? Give it 24 hours.
So much can change in 24 hours. When you’re having a bad day, remember this. Give it 24 hours Twenty-four hours ago, I was at home with three kids and my husband. I was trying to get my kids to focus on their virtual learning and to quit asking for screen...
Post-Vacation Reflections
Post-Vacation Reflections I’ve just arrived home from a two-week vacation with my husband and 3 kids in Florida. It was a lovely vacation, but I was also somewhat tense and stressed throughout it. There were definitely times I was relaxed and could let go,...
Coronavirus – Working remotely + kids out of school
This is an unprecedented time in the world right now with COVID-19 (aka Coronavirus) pandemic. Schools are closed until further notice where I live, Atlanta, and most other cities aren’t far behind. Most companies are recommending people who can work remotely...
AllI want for Christmas is an empty inbox
This week Maria Carey’s iconic Christmas song “All I want for Christmas is you” reached #1 on the Billboard hot 100 list for the 1st time ever, even though she initially released the song 25 years ago. This is a great reminder that some things get better with age,...
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