Favorite Personal Finance Books

Favorite Personal Finance Books

These are my favorite personal finance books.  All of these books, in different ways, will inspire you to take control of your personal finances, find freedom through that control, and improve your overall happiness.  And all that packed into about 8-10 hours of...

Soda Stream vs. Canned Sparkling Water

Soda Stream vs. Canned Sparkling Water

I’ve been thinking about buying a Soda Stream for years and I think I am finally ready to take the plunge (pun intended!).  I explored it last Black Friday when there was one on sale and did some cost calculations and it seemed like it wasn’t really going to save me...

2020 Books I’ve Read

2020 Books I’ve Read

We are currently at the half-way point of 2020, and these are the books I've read so far.  I'll start adding comments and thoughts on them soon, and a few more in-depth mostly minimal book reviews are coming soon.  I really enjoy listening to audio books while I am...

Tangly Hair Don’t Care

Tangly Hair Don’t Care

Ok, settle in for a quick love story about a hairbrush.  Yes, a hairbrush.  I have thin tangly hair and it’s a beast to brush after I get out of the shower.  I’m usually worried I am going to go bald because I am losing so much hair.  But like a grownup, I trudge...

Reflections on a Decade

Reflections on a Decade

There’s something about a new year that inspires me to reflect and gives me a bit of a push to think about what’s working, what’s not, and how I want to continue to improve as a human being.  And if there’s something about a new year, then there’s really something...

A Minimalist Guide to the Holidays

A Minimalist Guide to the Holidays

The holidays can be a time of overwhelm, when it should be a time to reconnect and reflect with your friends and family.  Somehow it has turned into massive shopping and tons of high-cost activities.  That is basically everything I am trying to avoid in life these...

Away Luggage – Perfect Minimalist Luggage

Away Luggage – Perfect Minimalist Luggage

We absolutely love our Away Luggage.  Yes, it’s a bit pricey (the one I have is $225) and you could get cheaper luggage. I prefer quality over quantity, so for me it’s a solid investment and I feel good about it.  And in the spirit of a “mostly” minimal life, I am...

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